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Thursday, August 12, 2010

I Want To Be Not (Poem)

Up in your mind

There is the sky

Where you place your dreams

You want to be

When the sky turns dark

You see the stars

That’s what you want to be

You see the little stars

Who are alone

Then you see the middle stars

Who when all together

Make a brighter white light

Then you see the big stars
Fallen stars

Who are far away?

They make their own light

Though it’s not as bright

Then you ask yourself

Why so little light

Then you wonder why

The middle stars have so much light

Maybe it’s because they are all together

Then you remember your mom

Telling you that

Sharing is key

Maybe she was right after all

Because later on

As years went pass

The big star

Died so fast


When you become rich or famous you see that the crowd you hang around becomes very small. but the middle class always seems to always work together.

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